Minggu, 08 Februari 2009


     I born at gresik date 04 mays 1996. son from father Husnul Anim and mother Evi Mas Ula. My hobby plays football. My aim is doctor. I am alumnus SD N Dalegan year 2006/2007 after pass me continue school at SMP N 1 SIDAYU. I am the person kind-hearted, not proud and diligent save. I am every day to school is seed off my father. Test semester then I only can pringkat 20 but I not broken spirit. I want to be best. for that I must diligent and diligent learn. especially physics lesson and biology so that my aim can reached because I thirst for to so one who successful in all area.
     My family consists of 6 person consist of fathers, mother, grand mother, elder brother, younger brother, and i. my elder brother is aged 16 year he is school at SMK Panceng, hoby he plays also glad eat crab while my younger brother is aged 4 year he is school at tk al- khoiriyah Dalegan. he likes to eat to play bike. father and mother works as teacher. my father teaches at MTS N Lamongan the place at district glagah travelled distance from home approximately 35 km. he teaches pkn with history. and my mother teaches to teach at SD N Dalegan that reside in my village. he is class teacher 4.
    My house is location at village Dalegan regency Pangceng king deputy function Gresik. exactly ladder according to 02 members according to 03 seething environments. my house is although not big but last for my residence, my man younger brother, my man elder brother, father and my mother is with my big mother. if see from location actually my house less fitting because besides not beside road or my house walkway deals with my neighbour property chickenrun. clear very harry my family welfare. but although i permanent pleasant presentss insides my house because beside my place of birth also place place gathers this is family.

5 komentar:

  1. asskum....
    ari your ,are you have 2 father ? why in
    the text is written fathers ?

  2. Assalaamualaikum Wr.Wb
    Your blog and your write is very good, but in second paraghraph you usually write i in the last i not me!
    Wassalaamualaikum Wr.Wb

  3. Assalaamualaikum Wr.Wb
    Your blog and your write is very good,BUT IN PARAGRAPH 1 you write "pringkat" actually "rank".

    Wassalaamualaikum Wr.Wb

  4. Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

    Ari, your write is good, but actually in paragraph one you write your name. And in paragraph one too, you write "I born at gresik date 04 mays 1996", actually you write "I was born in Gresik at 04 May 1996".


  5. Asslamualikum....
    Hi Ari, your write is good but actually in paragraph one you didn't tell about your name
    See You.... ^^
